thought for the day: on the tension between experience and innovation
i give tremendous respect and deference to individuals with experience and longevity in a particular discipline. those who do things for a long time are, on average, far better equipped and...
View Articlea biblical solution to the bedbug infestation terrorizing america from ‘the...
With all of the news surrounding the apparent bedbug infestation spreading across America, from the United Nations and the Waldorf Astoria in New York to out here in Los Angeles, I was reminded that...
View Articlethree thoughts on egypt for 2/11/11
Here are three thoughts on Egypt for 2/11/11, the day Hosni Mubarak resigned the presidency: 2/11 did what 9/11 couldn’t: it showed that nonviolent Arab dissent can defeat what militant Arab dissent...
View Articleon malice, predictable stupidity, and chess
Malice breeds predictable stupidity. Humans will do and say ridiculous things to protect pride and power. When gossip and anonymous animosity pervade a political power structure, surrendering all...
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